Open Book
Light Bulb

military chaplains

Early in the Korean War, US Army Chaplain Emil Kapaun wrote to his superior, “Tomorrow we go into combat.” Two months later Chaplain Kapaun entered Pyongyang with the 8th Cavalry Regiment. All Saints Day (day after Halloween) he conducted mass, dug foxholes, and in 20degree weather bivouacked with his battalion in the hills above the northern Korean town of Unsan. Read More…

gentlemen needed

Last week columnist Peggy Noonan suggested we need to resurrect a character from our past. She wrote that our culture, and especially women, need The Gentleman back. “All the stories we’ve read about sexual predators: the piggishness, grabbiness, manipulation and power games—have a common thread. The men involved were not gentlemen. They acted as if they’d never heard of the concept.” Read More…

muhammad bin salman

The people of Saudi Arabia have come to identify the crown prince of their country as MbS. Muhammad bin Salman, only 32 years old, is supposedly very popular among Saudis. He wants to moderate the Wahhabi version of Islam that dominates his country. The Wall Street Journal reported his announcement, “We are going back to how we were: to the tolerant, moderate Islam that is open to the world—to all the religions and traditions of its people. We represent the moderate teachings and principles of Islam. We will eradicate the remnants of extremism very soon.” Read More…

I wish you bad luck

It was not without precedent that the 2017 Cardigan Mountain School ninth grade graduation had no announced commencement speaker. It was, after all, just a Middle School graduation. As the rainy day unfolded a parent, a father whose adopted son was one of the graduates, offered his own carefully prepared advice. The speaker was the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, John Roberts. Here is some of what he said. Read More…