Open Book
Light Bulb

celebrity Christianity

The world of Christian apologetics (a small world, to be sure) has been shaken by the disclosure the late Ravi Zacharias lived a double life. February 9 the Christian ministry he founded and led until his death in 2020 (RZIM) released the report of an independent investigation into the sexual misconduct of Mr. Zacharias.

That twelve page
report is available online. You should read it. Read More…

glimpses of the devil

Published in 1978, The Road Less Traveled by Dr. M. Scott Peck has sold over 6 million copies in North America alone, and has been translated into 20+ languages. In 1992 Dr. Peck was acknowledged by the American Psychiatric Association as a distinguished psychiatrist lecturer "for his outstanding achievement in the field of psychiatry as an educator, researcher and clinician.”

1984 Dr Peck was the recipient of the Kaleidoscope Award for Peacemaking. 1994 he was awarded the Temple International Peace Prize. 1996 Georgetown Universtity awarded him its Learning, Faith and Freedom Medal.
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