Open Book
Light Bulb


When Jesus saw the crowds He went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to Him and He began to teach them.

Matthew chapter 5

sermon on the mount scorns human wisdom. One example: “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven.” Jesus taught an upside-down reality.

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Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”

Matthew chapter 4

Jesus communicated that the kingdom of heaven was near by words, community, and deeds.

The New Testament records that Jesus began His earthly ministry wandering around the Jewish region of Galilee, announcing at religious gathering places: the kingdom of heaven has come near. 19th century preachers like D.L. Moody and Billy Sunday challenged people to get their lives in order because God’s kingdom is coming. They echoed Jesus’ message to prepare for the arrival of God’s kingdom.

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Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.

Matthew chapter 4

This Bible verse raises so many questions.

Why did the Spirit lead Jesus into a place of temptation? Jesus taught His disciples to pray, “Lead us not into temptation.” Yet, the Holy Spirit led Jesus into lonely places “to be tempted by the devil.”

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People from Jerusalem and Judea and the area of the Jordan River, went out into the wilderness to hear John preach.

Matthew chapter 3

What attracts people? The New Testament book of Matthew records that crowds from Jerusalem, Judea and the Jordan River valley trekked into the wilderness just to hear a preacher. John the Baptist was nothing to look at. He wore camel skins. His diet consisted of honey and locust. Imagine his teeth, or his breath. Yet crowds from throughout the region went into barren lands to hear John preach.

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“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”

—Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoy offered this explanation for the lack of peace on earth. The cultural assumption is that peace requires conditions like absence of war or material abundance. The Russian novelist disagreed.

War & Peace, Tolstoy’s characters bicker and backstab over the slights and insults. When war comes to Russia, some let go their pettiness, embrace spiritual transcendence and experience peace in the middle of Napoleon’s violent invasion.

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Are you a joyful person? Do people enjoy being around you?

538bce (before common/christian era) the newly triumphant Persian empire authorized exiles could return to their homelands.
Nearly 50,000 exiles returned to Jerusalem. The ancient city was desolate and the temple a ruin, but the Jewish people were determined.

Seven months later the entire Jewish community gathered for the Feast of Tabernacles. They camped out in shelters made of tree branches and listened to the public reading from the Law of Moses.
Nehemiah records, “Their joy was very great.” Read More…

hope is not a wish

Distraught voters have been posting videos of themselves expressing how they have lost hope in America. In what do you put your hope?

Real hope is a belief, not opinion. Authentic hope is conviction—total trust. Genuine hope is commitment—live it, act on it.

Currently in Hong Kong the publisher of
Next Digital and Apple Daily is on trial. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accuses Jimmy Lai of colluding with foreign forces. Read More…

guidelines for christian voters

Four decades ago the Pentecostal Evangel published the following guidelines for Christian voters.

  • Do not confuse patriotism, national pride, and Western culture with Christian faith and practice.
  • Do not confuse secular political activity with the purpose of the church, nor campaigning with witnessing or preaching.
  • Do not make slanderous or false accusations against your opponents, but maintain your integrity. Do not consider a brother or sister who is of like precious faith an adversary if he or she holds a different political view.
  • At all times endeavor to verify information before accepting it as true or repeating it to others.
  • At all times endeavor to know and understand the candidate’s positions and evaluate him or her on that basis, on the basis of his or her ability to perform the duties and functions of the office, and his or her integrity.
  • At all times endeavor to know and understand the issues; do not excuse yourself from this duty by saying, “God will show me whom to vote for.”
  • At all times compare a candidate’s position with Scripture, but only where Scripture addresses the issue; do not force Scripture to address issues the Author did not intend to address.
  • Neither vote nor work for a candidate merely because he or she professes to be of the Christian faith.
  • Do not neglect your family, prayer, worship or Bible study.
  • At all times uphold your leaders in prayer.

Timeless guidelines ~

Dan Nygaard
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wisdom from ancient prophets

The Old Testament concludes with twelve short books which record divine revelations given to ancient prophets. They reveal non-human powers intent upon human destruction—determined to sabotage God’s plan for earth. But the prophets foresaw that “The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.”

The ancient prophets raised timeless questions:

  • Why is there suffering and injustice in the world?
  • Does God even care?
  • Could God possibly love us, or has He tired of humanity?
  • Can we find God?
  • Why do so many people express contempt for God?
  • Why do the wicked so often succeed?
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why churches do what they do

To our culture church is now an alien thing. Nearly a majority of Americans report never attending church other than on special occasions, such as Easter or a wedding. While a large majority believes in God, the God in whom they believe is agreeable, validating, and non-threatening.

One reason people don’t attend is that churches do things that make little sense to those seeking personal experience. Our society claims to be all about us. In reality, most people float around aimlessly—their attention attracted to whatever BigTech is currently pushing.

The focus of authentic churches is something other-worldly and rather mysterious, un-nerving and even a little frightening: God, the divine Being revealed in the Bible.
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mis-treating mothers

Human history is littered with human sacrifice. Mara Hvistendahl, author of Unnatural Selection, documented that in 2010 there were 163 million missing females in Asia. This gender imbalance reaches around the globe, impacting US cities where there are significant immigrant populations.

Humanity has become overwhelmingly male. But how?

Western scientists introduced sex-selection technology to Asia. The result: millions of females were sacrificed in-utero to the idol of male preference. Any society with a dearth of females is doomed to become a sketchy society.
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christians gather

Most Americans no longer identify with a religion. Most still believe in God. Many acknowledge the power of prayer. It’s popular, even acceptable to be “spiritual”. But more and more people check “none” when asked about religion.

Easter Sunday people of wavering religious commitment will make an appearance in church. I’m always heartened to see them.

~ Adapted from a piece by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Roman Catholic archbishop of New York ~

Most who are distant from church hold a personal faith. Following Christ does require a personal commitment, but it cannot be private. Christianity is communal. A congregation is a spiritual family, members voluntarily obligate themselves to connect and remain. Read More…