Open Book
Light Bulb

guidelines for christian voters

Four decades ago the Pentecostal Evangel published the following guidelines for Christian voters.

  • Do not confuse patriotism, national pride, and Western culture with Christian faith and practice.
  • Do not confuse secular political activity with the purpose of the church, nor campaigning with witnessing or preaching.
  • Do not make slanderous or false accusations against your opponents, but maintain your integrity. Do not consider a brother or sister who is of like precious faith an adversary if he or she holds a different political view.
  • At all times endeavor to verify information before accepting it as true or repeating it to others.
  • At all times endeavor to know and understand the candidate’s positions and evaluate him or her on that basis, on the basis of his or her ability to perform the duties and functions of the office, and his or her integrity.
  • At all times endeavor to know and understand the issues; do not excuse yourself from this duty by saying, “God will show me whom to vote for.”
  • At all times compare a candidate’s position with Scripture, but only where Scripture addresses the issue; do not force Scripture to address issues the Author did not intend to address.
  • Neither vote nor work for a candidate merely because he or she professes to be of the Christian faith.
  • Do not neglect your family, prayer, worship or Bible study.
  • At all times uphold your leaders in prayer.

Timeless guidelines ~

Dan Nygaard