May 2024
mis-treating mothers
15 - 05/24 /11:55
Human history is littered with human sacrifice. Mara Hvistendahl, author of Unnatural Selection, documented that in 2010 there were 163 million missing females in Asia. This gender imbalance reaches around the globe, impacting US cities where there are significant immigrant populations.
Humanity has become overwhelmingly male. But how?
Western scientists introduced sex-selection technology to Asia. The result: millions of females were sacrificed in-utero to the idol of male preference. Any society with a dearth of females is doomed to become a sketchy society. Read Moreā¦
Humanity has become overwhelmingly male. But how?
Western scientists introduced sex-selection technology to Asia. The result: millions of females were sacrificed in-utero to the idol of male preference. Any society with a dearth of females is doomed to become a sketchy society. Read Moreā¦