Open Book
Light Bulb


“Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew chapter 18

Jesus repeatedly told His apostles that He was going to Jerusalem to die, then rise from the dead. This plan seemed beyond the apostles’ comprehension. They followed Jesus believing He was Messiah. Peter identified Jesus as Messiah. Jesus confirmed Peter’s claim.

A suffering Messiah was incomprehensible for 1st century Jews. They expected Messiah would be a warrior and their champion, a priest and their king. Messiah was supposed to be a “winner” who would expel the Roman occupation and purge the political priesthood.

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“A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.”

Matthew chapter 16

1st century religious leaders asked Jesus to show them a sign from heaven demonstrating He had God’s approval and acted with divine authority. Those who seek a sign raise three problems.

First, they test God. Matthew recounts the religious leaders “tested” Jesus by asking for a sign. Shockingly, Matthew identified the religious leaders with the devil who “tested” Jesus in the wilderness. Question is: why did these religious leaders not join the crowds following Jesus? If they had they would have witnessed miracles. Other religious leaders in the crowds following Jesus saw miracles.

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His disciples asked Jesus, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?”

Matthew chapter 13

Parable: literally, comparison. To compare things side-by-side; an instructive example, to convey a truth by use of comparison or analogy.

1st century Jews shared a common understanding of how their God would restore the kingdom of Israel. It was widely presumed Messiah would be a champion-warrior-king-priest similar to the ancient King David. Popular belief insisted Messiah would somehow drive out political priests from control of the temple, drive away the Roman occupation, and
re-inaugurate the ancient empire of David and Solomon. Many believed that renewed empire would become the dominant religious and economic force in the world.

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Jesus was amazed and said, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.”

Matthew chapter 8

Being a person of faith is culturally acceptable. As is being a spiritual person. Having faith or identifying as a spiritual person better aligns with Christianity than does materialism.

Gospel faith, however, is very specific. New Testament faith is faith in Jesus. The eighth chapter of Matthew provides readers seven encounters of what faith in Jesus looks like.

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