good news out of iran
18 - 07/23 /13:47
Year after year, Iran is listed as one of the 10 worst persecutors of Christians in the world. Counterintuitively, Iran may be the nation with the fastest growing church.
Daniel Pipes, a Jewish researcher and author wrote in Newsweek: "Something religiously astonishing is taking place in Iran, where an Islamist government has ruled since 1979: Christianity is flourishing. Iranians have become the most open people to the gospel."
Daniel Pipes, a Jewish researcher and author wrote in Newsweek: "Something religiously astonishing is taking place in Iran, where an Islamist government has ruled since 1979: Christianity is flourishing. Iranians have become the most open people to the gospel."
An Iranian church leader explained: "What if I told you the mosques are empty inside Iran? What if I told you no one follows Islam inside of Iran?"
A 2020 survey by Gamaan reported that there are more Christians in Iran than ever before—over a million. People involved with the Iranian “house church” movement are convinced that there are several million believers in that country.
Evangelism in Iran is mostly done via quiet conversations, nurtured by low-profile, online Bible studies; affirmed by visions, dreams, and miracles. Due to their risky circumstances, Christian converts communicate about their changed lives quietly and carefully. Discreet but persistent witness has resulted in the extraordinary number of new believers gathering in small house churches in Iran.
Typically 10-15 adults and adolescents gather one by one, at an apartment or some other nondescript location. Meetings begin with soft, cautious singing. Soon believers are lost in worship. Later, there’s a teaching from the Bible and Communion shared. Finally, after more conversations they leave, one by one.
Sudden invasions by state authorities do happen. Only rarely are they preceded by a threatening text message or phone call. Typically, these authorities also tear apart the residence, searching for laptops, phones, evangelistic publications, Bibles, books, DVDs, and videos. They’re looking for anything they can label as “evidence” against the Christians.
Those arrested are accused of “insulting Islam,” or “deviant activity” that “contradicts or interferes with the sacred law of Islam.” Everyone understands that sexual violence is likely to follow arrest. Sometimes the price believers pay is painful. Yet, Iranian house churches remain courageous and contagious.
More than a million new converts in Iran are exploring the Bible, praying, gathering in small groups, and sharing their faith with friends and family. The risks they face echo those faced by the early church. The faith they display is inspiring, and could change their nation. ~
Dan Nygaard