church beyond walls
The American church entered into a sad bargain with our culture: in exchange for private religious expression, Christians honor an unspoken agreement to stay out of the public square. Jesus, however, commanded His followers to go out into all the world as gentle agents of the heavenly Father's healing, love and reconciliation.
give to hope community
Make a financial contribution online.
local mission opportunities
Here’s a few samples of the good works we’ve supported. Great places to launch out and make a difference in your world.
- Fort Collins Rescue Mission
- Serve 6.8
- Fort Collins Salvation Army
- Catholic Charities northern Colorado
- Meals On Wheels
- The Alpha Center
- Life for the Innocent
- Outreach Fort Collins
- Colorado House of Prayer
social justice
Defining Social Justice, Voddie Bauchman
Analyzes social justice by the definitions presented by the adherents of that movement. Dr Bauchman offers a response from a biblical, classical understanding of justice.
prayer walking
Walk a neighborhood while praying. Inviting God’s blessing and revelation upon those living in the neighborhood. Being on the lookout to engage neighbors as neighbors and as ambassadors of Christ.
say hello
Should a Christian woman say “hello” to a Muslim woman?
When a woman says hello to a Muslim woman they launch a remarkable journey. What the women of the Muslim world need supremely is the sacrificial service of their Christian sisters. Your friendship with a Muslim woman can relate Christ to her.
operation christmas child
Every year we join with thousands of churches and Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child, packing shoeboxes with gifts for children who may have never before received a Christmas gift.