sundays at the northside center … temporarily
enter through doors to the right of main entrance
Sundays through March 22 we will be gathering 10am in the Fort Collins Northside Center, 112 Willow Street, 80524. Join us as we worship the risen Lord, explore the Bible, and exhort one another to love and good works.
what happens sundays
The first Christians who came to China described church to a Chinese Emperor: "Every morning we pray for the salvation of all. Every seventh day we gather together for an audience with heaven. We purify our hearts and return to the simple and natural way of the truth." … ~ Nestorian Christians, 781ce
sunday mornings
We focus on participation—not on performance. Participants are invited to contribute their own Bible readings, spoken prayers, personal insights, artistic expressions and community reports.
music / sung prayers
15-20 minutes without performers, designed to offer you an audience with heaven.
spiritual uploading
A crucial part of the New Testament church—personal reflections and spiritual insights from participants.
congregational prayer
5-7 minutes for your private and vocalized prayers, concluding with the Lord’s Prayer.
20-25 minutes of commentary, applying the Bible's timeless truths to your world.
Q & A
Your on-topic questions are wanted and addressed immediately following the monologue.
We're ready to pray with you and for you; come to the front at the conclusion of our gathering.
The Lord's supper is celebrated the first Sunday of most months.
give to hope community
Make a financial contribution online.