we believe in the church
11/11/2018 — Dan Nygaard
The 1st century church was way different from what church has become.
It was simpler, more humble, more radical.
So, what is church?
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we believe in the Holy Spirit
10/28/2018 — Dan Nygaard
Christians believe in the Holy Spirit.
According to the Bible, the Holy Spirit is a personal divine Being.
He is the Comforter, Counselor, Convictor and Convincer.
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we believe Jesus will return
10/21/2018 — Dan Nygaard
Christians believe Jesus will return to earth.
His second coming will be different.
When Jesus returns it will be as the rightful King of the world.
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we believe in resurrection
10/7/2018 — Dan Nygaard
Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead on the third day following His crucifixion.
Christianity depends on Jesus' resurrection.
No resurrection. No Christianity.
And the Bible boldly claims all Christians will experience resurrection.
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we believe in salvation
9/30/2018 — Dan Nygaard
Christians believe that for the salvation of all people everywhere
Jesus came from heaven
was made human
was crucified
and rose from the dead.
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we believe in one lord Jesus
9/23/2018 — Dan Nygaard
What do Christians believe about Jesus?
The Bible presents Jesus as someone who was far more than a profound teacher.
The Bible teaches, and the Nicene Creed summarizes, that Jesus existed eternally as
God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten—not made.
He is of one substance with the Father.
All things were made through Jesus and for Him.
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we believe in God the Father
9/9/2018 — Dan Nygaard
The earliest written creed of the Christian church begins,
"We believe in one God the Father, all-sovereign, maker of heaven and earth,
and Creator of all things visible and invisible."
Week #1 in our study of the Biblical foundations for the Nicene Creed.
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