greatest sermon ever
4/27/2014 — People of Hope
Jesus’ sermon on the mount is the greatest sermon … ever.
You'll find it in New Testament,
Matthew chapters 5-7
The people of Hope present that sermon.
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3/10/2019 — Eddie Castro
Salvation is a term found throughout the Bible.
It is word commonly used by Christians, but often misunderstood.
What does salvation mean in the Bible?
What difference does salvation make in the life of a believer?
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explaining the star
1/7/2018 — Dan Nygaard
Using Starry Night astronomical software,
a solution is suggested that explains the mysterious star in the nativity story
from the New Testament book of Matthew.
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your money
9/10/2017 — Dan Nygaard
Money may be the hardest topic in the Bible,
particularly your money.
The Bible challenges God’s people to give away 10% to Kingdom work.
But in fact, Jesus was unimpressed by how much people gave.
He was impressed only by sacrificial giving,
giving that hurts.
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why Jesus called a man, a fool
8/27/1967 — Martin Luther King, Jr
Martin Luther King’s sermon reflecting on
Jesus’ story of a man most people would identify as highly successful.
Jesus called that man a fool.
He was called a fool because he failed to prepare himself for divine judgment.
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history’s most astounding morning
Resurrection Sunday 2015 — Dan Nygaard
The response to Jesus’ resurrection often falls within five common reactions.
1) it’s all a fraud perpetrated by the surviving apostles.
2) Jesus wasn’t quite dead when He was taken from the cross.
3) the disciples experienced some kind of powerful, collective hallucination.
4) resurrection accounts were embellished before they were written down.
5) belief in history’s most astounding morning.
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